“三度六面 品牌魔方TM ”是思瑞门为教育机构进行品牌整合的独创工具。它是一个富有智慧的品牌管理系统,是一个可以个性化,并且蕴含多种必要层面的灵活机制。在这个科学、和谐、统一的整体下,可根据需要进行新的匹配、组合、演化,但万变不离其宗,任何的花样变化都离不开核心理念的主导,在高度的组织性、精确性和条理性中实现丰富而系统的创新。“三度六面 品牌魔方TM ”由三个魔方组成,分别是教育品牌 设计魔方、教育品牌 管理魔方和教育品牌 营销魔方。 | |
教育品牌 设计魔方TM |
教育品牌 管理魔方TM ----为您提供品牌美誉度解决方案 思瑞门通过“教育品牌 管理魔方TM”协助各类学校以及教育机构对品牌进行实效管理,针对特定目标,统合相应资源,架构组织机制,把各环节之事加以序化,并注入引导、推动、保障之力,从而达成目标。目前提供品牌注册、品牌咨询、品牌执行、品牌延展等服务。 Management magic cube for school brandTM ----To provide solutions for brand appoval According to the " Management magic cube for school brandTM", Threemen assists kinds of education institutions conducting effective management.We focus on con- crete goal,integrate related resources and creat orgnization principles in order to clear all the steps.At the same time,we execute introducing, promoting and p- rotecting for achieving the goal. At present, we provide services including bra- nd registration,brand consultation and brand extension |
教育品牌 营销魔方TM ----为您提供品牌忠诚度解决方案 在品牌识别的基础上,通过一系列的营销活动,传播品牌文化,激发品牌联想,加强品牌记忆,建立深度沟通,形成品牌忠诚,达成预计目标。 传播营销的过程中。将网络营销、礼品营销、活动营销、纸质营销、广告营销进行了全面的分析整合,达到有效营销的目的。 Marketing Magic Cube for school BrandTM ----Providing you the solutions for brand loyalty Guided by brand recognition,“Marketing Magic Cube for School BrandTM”of Three- men try to achieve the expected goals by spreading brand culture,stimulating br- rand imagination, consolidating brand memory, communicating in depth and forming brand loyalty. During the process in integrating marketing strategy, we achieve the effective marketing goal by making a comprehensive analysis and integration of paper marketing, network marketing, gift marketing, activity marketing and advertisement marketing |