VIP文档管理系统是为VIP客户开辟的文档资料在线上传、下载的专用通道,仅限许可权限用户使用。进入专用文件夹需登陆密码支持;为确保文档资料安全,请防止密码外泄,如有问题,请立即联络管理员 62224448-201 或 62224449-201 VIP document managing system serves as a passage for permitted clients to upload and download files. If getting into a special folder, you need to enter correct code. For the sake of document safety, please prevent code disclosure. In case of any problem, please contact the administrator 62224448-201 or 62224449-201
本系统为“应聘人才库”、“专业协作伙伴”及“合作意向咨询”文档再现上传使用。 上传资料请有序整理,上传文件最大限制为10M。如有问题,请联络IT管理员 62224448-504 或者 62224449-504。 This system is used to upload files to the folders of “interviewees’ bank”,“partners and cooperators” and “cooperation consultancy”.Before uploading, please put the files in order and make sure they are within 100m. In case of any problem, please contact the administrator 62224448-504 or 62224449-504.
您可以在本系统下载到思瑞门为您精心准备的教育品牌相关资料,关注教育事业和教育品牌,请与思瑞门共同遵从创作共享cc原则,商业用途请联系 注:CC原则:非商业性,内容完整,保留署名或在醒目位置提供指向链接 You may as well download relevant materials about some educational brands readied by Threemen.In terms of taking a look at the educational situations and brands,pleas follow the"CC principle"together with us while you may send your information to if for business sake.
你有权保持沉默,但你所說的一切都將被思瑞门视为金玉良言 请知无不言 言无不尽^_^