简介 define
  思瑞门是专注服务教育的品牌设计机构,为各类学校及教育机构量身定制品牌成长全案,并以最有力的执行实现品牌增值。 思瑞门以打造强势教育品牌为己任,通过梳理校园文化 、整合教育资源、提炼学校特色,设计学校形象,使其达到符号化、独特化、规范化以及国际化。设计相关项目包括校徽、吉祥物、校服、办公用品、教育礼品、校园文化景观、特色教室建设等。

Threemen—Marketing Consultant for School Branding
Guided by international sight and local marketing culture,Threemen uses its own brand research product"three- three-six degrees brand magic cubeTM" to tailor and make the professional and effective brand advertising project for internal and external education institutions according to their actual circumstances. In order to support shaping and marketing the education brand,by integrating and applying the whole advertising channels ,we hold kinds of strong marketing activities aimed to satisfy local's demands, which can ensure your predominance in numerous education institutions, and finally achieve your brand capital increasing predominance in numerous education institutions,and finally achieve your brand capital increasing effectivery in marketing. we provide annual (quarterly or monthly) brand marketing and spreading agent services,whose foundation is in- tegrative marketing and advertising.We set out from the effective advertising point,choose the best communicating way,and then transfer the brand information to the target clients,which lead your brand to be the guid- ance and preference for the consumer.

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